
Here we step through an example to demonstrate typical usage of WaspNet. We begin by building a new LIF Neuron type which encapsulates the update rules for a neuron. Then, we make two Layers of neurons to communicate back and forth; one Layer is strictly feed-forward, the other is a recurrent layer accepting inputs both from itself and from the preceding Layer. Finally, we build a Network out of these Layers and simulate it to observe the evolution of the Network as a whole.

Getting Started

The following code has been tested in Julia 1.4.2 and executes without errors. Any dependencies will be called out as necessary.

To start, the only necessary dependency will be WaspNet itself, so we start by importing it. Other useful packages will be Random and BlockArrays

using WaspNet

Constructing a New Neuron

The simlpest unit in WaspNet is the Neuron which translates an input signal from preceding neurons into the evolution of an internal state and ultimately spikes which are sent to neurons down the line.

A concrete AbstractNeuron needs to cover 3 things:

  • A new struct which is a subtype of AbstractNeuron; optionally mutable
  • An update method to implement the dynamics of the neuron
  • A reset method which restores the neuron to its default state.

We will implement the Leaky Integrate-&-Fire neuron model here, but a slightly different implementation is available in WaspNet/src/neurons/lif.jl or with WaspNet.LIF.

A concrete AbstractNeuron implementation currently must include two specific fields: state and output. state holds the current state of the neuron in a Vector and output holds the output of the neuron after its last update; for a spiking neuron, update is either a 0 or a 1 to denote whether a spike did or did not occur. Additional fields should be implemented as needed to parameterize the neuron.

struct LIF{T<:Number}<:AbstractNeuron 


Additionally, we need to define how to evolve our neuron given a time step. This is done by adding a method to WaspNet.update! or WaspNet.update, a function which is global across all WaspnetElements. To update a neuron, we provide the neuron we need to update, the input_update to the neuron, the time duration to evolve dt, and the current global time t. In the LIF case, the input_update is a voltage which must be added to the membrane potential of the neuron resulting from spikes in neurons which feed into the current neuron. reset simply restores the state of the neuron to its some state.

We use an Euler update for the time evolution because of its simplicity of implementation.

Note that both update and reset are defined within WaspNet; that is, we actually define the methods WaspNet.update and WaspNet.reset. If defined externally, these methods are not visible to other methods from within WaspNet.

function WaspNet.update(neuron::LIF, input_update, dt, t)
    output = 0.
    state = neuron.state + input_update # If an impulse came in, add it

    # Euler method update
    state += (dt/neuron.τ) * (-state + neuron.R*neuron.I)

    # Check for thresholding
    if state >= neuron.θ
        state = neuron.v0
        output = 1. # Binary output

    return (output, LIF(neuron.τ, neuron.R, neuron.θ, neuron.I, neuron.v0, state, output))

function WaspNet.reset(neuron::LIF)
    return LIF(neuron.τ, neuron.R, neuron.θ, neuron.I, neuron.v0, neuron.v0, 0)

Now we want to instantiate our LIF neuron, update it a few times to see the state of the neuron change

neuronLIF = LIF(8., 10.E2, 30., 40., -55., -55., 0.)

# -55.0
(output, neuronLIF) = update(neuronLIF, 0., 0.001, 0.)
# -49.993125

neuronLIF = reset!(neuronLIF)
# -55.0

We can also simulate! a neuron, chaining together multiple update calls and returning the outputs (spikes) and optionally the internal state of the neuron as well. The following code simulates our LIF neuron for 250 ms with a 0.1 ms time step. The input to the neuron is a function of one parameter, t, defined by (t) -> 0.4*exp(-4t).

LIFsim = simulate!(neuronLIF, (t)->0.4*exp(-4t), 0.0001, 0.250, track_state=true);

LIFsim is a SimulationResult instance with three fields: LIFsim.outputs, LIFsim.states, and LIFsim.times. times holds all of the times at which the neuron was simualted, outputs holds the output of the neuron at each time step, and states hold the state of the neuron at each time step.

Combining Neurons into a Layer

In WaspNet, a collection of neurons is called a Layer or a population. A Layer is homogeneous insofar as all of the Neurons in a given Layer must be of the same type, although their individual parameters may differ. The chief utility of a Layer is to handle the computation of the inputs into its constituent Neurons; which is handled through a multiplication of the input spike vector by a corresponding weight matrix, W.

The following code constructs a feed-forward Layer with N LIF neurons inside of it with an incoming weight matrix W to handle 2 inputs.

N = 8;
neurons = [LIF(8., 10.E2, 30., 40., -55., -55., 0.) for _ in 1:N];
weights = randn(MersenneTwister(13371485), N,2);
layer = Layer(neurons, weights);

We can also update! a Layer by driving it with some input as we did for our LIF neuron above. Not that input here is actually an Array{Array{<:Number, 1}, 1} and not just Array{<:Number, 1}. The purpose of this is to handle recurrent or non-feed-forward connections; we will discuss this more in Constructing Networks from Layers.

update!(layer, [[0.5, 0.8]], 0.001, 0)
# [-49.541978928637135, -49.60578871324857, ..., -50.84036022383181]

And we can simulate! with the same syntax as before

layersim = simulate!(layer, (t) -> [randn(2)], 0.001, 0.25, track_state=true);

Now layersim.outputs and layersim.states will be of size NxT where there are N neurons in the Layer and T time steps.

There are several Layer constructors and update! methods; for more information, see Reference or type ?Layer or ?update! in the REPL.

Constructing Networks from Layers

Once we have Layers available, we need a way to communicate spikes between them. The Network solves exactly that problem: it orchestrates communication of spiking (or output signals in general) between Layers, routing the appropriate outputs between Layers.

We'll start by constructing a new first Layer for our Network similar to how we did before with the added parameter of Nin, the number of inputs we're feeding into the first Layer of the Network.

Nin = 2
N1 = 3
neurons1 = [LIF(8., 10.E2, 30., 40., -55., -55., 0.) for _ in 1:N1]
weights1 = randn(MersenneTwister(13371485), N1, Nin)
layer1 = Layer(neurons1, weights1);

Now we'll make our second Layer. This Layer is special: it will take feed-forward inputs from the first Layer, but also a recurrent connection to itself. This means that we need to specify W slightly differently, and we also need to supply a new field, conns. To handle non-feed-forward connections in a K-layer, W must be declared as a 1x(K+1) BlockArray.

For our case, K=2. Thus, the first block in W holds the input weights corresponding to the Network input, the second block holds the weights for the first Layer, and the third block holds the weights for the second Layer feeding back into itself. Similarly we must supply conns, an array stating which Layers the current Layer connects to. Entries in conns are indexed such that 0 corresponds to the Network input, 1 corresponds to the output of the first Layer and so on.

N2 = 4;
neurons2 = [LIF(8., 10.E2, 30., 40., -55., -55., 0.) for _ in 1:N2]

W12 = randn(N2, N1) # connections from layer 1
W22 = 5*randn(N2, N2) # Recurrent connections
weights2 = [W12, W22]

conns = [1, 2]

layer2 = Layer(neurons2, weights2, conns);

To form a Network, we specify the constituent Layers

mynet = Network([layer1, layer2], Nin)

update!, reset! work just as they did for Layers and Neurons

update!(mynet, 0.4*ones(Nin), 0.001, 0)
# [-49.61444931320574, -50.42051080817629, ..., -49.993125]

As does simulate!

netsim = simulate!(mynet, (t) -> 0.4*ones(Nin), 0.001, 1, track_state=true)